Creativity thrives with collaboration.
If you're passionate about making a meaningful impact in the arts community, we're always looking to expand our friend group!
#About The Friends
The Friends of the Empire Theatre Inc is an independent, close-knit community of arts-lovers who support The Empire through volunteer duties such as ushering, concierge services, catering and tour guidance. The Friends are widely recognised as the friendly faces who welcome our audiences, clients and performers to our theatres, making The Empire experience so unique.
#Member Benefits
In return for volunteering, you will receive the below benefits:
- Volunteer Incentive Program Points (VIPP) for each duty, which can be traded for tickets to selected shows
- Quarterly Friends newsletter
- Invitation to attend Friends events
- Invitation to attend monthly Friends meetings
- Voting rights at the Friends Annual General Meeting

If the idea of working with artists and audiences through The Empire excites you, we want to hear about it! We're always open to expressions of interest from ambitious arts-engaged individuals looking for a career in the creative industry.

Work experience
As a fully functional theatre, there are a number of departments to undertake school based work experience, including the Technical Department, Marketing Department, Events, Ticketing and Front of House.